Providing insurance appraisal and umpire services.
Professional, Competent, Conscientious, Dependable

Welcome to Gale Claims Service, Inc.

Gale Claims Service, Inc. is a full service claims adjusting company located in South Florida. We specialize in residential and commercial property losses, appraisal representation and umpire services.

David Gale, AIC, ANFI, AMIM, RPA, WRT, FSRT established Gale Claims Service in 2007 to provide appraisal and umpire services for insurance professionals working to resolve amount of loss issues in disputed property insurance claims. He has successfully appraised or served as umpire in thousands of disputed claims. We specialize in property loss disputes arising from catastrophic events including hurricanes, tornados, hail, fire and flood.

When insurance appraisers select David Gale as their umpire, they can be confident the dispute will be resolved in a fair, conscientious and impartial manner.

FEMA News Photos

E&O Carrier:
Claim Professionals Liability Insurance Company
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Gale Claims Service, Inc.
13762 West State Road 84, #412
Davie, Florida 33325